Community Cats

We believe that the best way to solve the cat overpopulation crisis in Rhode Island is through a multi-pronged approach that includes foster & adoption, spay & neuter, and trap-neuter-return. In 2020, Ten Lives established a Community Cats program to reduce the stray cat population in our community and support those caring for this population of cats. 

From Woonsocket to Westerly, our Community Cats team works closely with caregivers to provide free spay/neuter and vaccination services to community cats. By providing these services, we can break the needless cycle of breeding and help community cats live healthier lives. 

Cats who receive services from our Community Cats program are assessed to determine if they are potential candidates for our Forgotten Feline program. This program provides the support and resources needed for under-socialized cats to thrive and be placed in adoptive homes. 

Our Forgotten Feline program is at the heart of our mission and provides second chances to cats who are often overlooked or deemed unadoptable. With support and resources from Ten Lives, our Forgotten Feline foster families make remarkable transformations possible. 

Providence, RI
“We recognize that not all cats want to live indoors and we respect their unique needs. This is why we practice trap-neuter-return and collaborate with caregivers to ensure community cats are thriving in their outdoor homes.” 
-Melissa, Founder & Executive Director
Elsa - Community Cat

TNR is utilized for cats who would prefer to not live inside with humans. After receiving services, these cats are returned to their outdoor homes where they can thrive. Cats who have been TNR’d have an ear tip, which is a universal symbol that the cat has been spayed/neutered and vaccinated. 

Generally, community cats are cared for by multiple community members. They are great at knowing where to find food! TNR is the most humane approach to caring for community cats and is one of the most important tools for reducing the stray cat population.

How to Help

Our Community Cats team is making big change happen in Rhode Island. Our team members have various backgrounds from senior director to writer, but they all have one thing in common; they are passionate about improving the lives of cats in our community. You can make a difference by committing just 3 hours of service every month. Ten Lives provides the training and supplies you need to be successful. Click the “get involved” button to learn more and submit a volunteer inquiry! 

Falkor - Forgotten Feline Graduate
 For more information about trap-neuter-return check out Neighborhood Cats or Alley Cat Allies